There have been two accruals. The first accrual consists of the administrative files of Hans Sinn and relates to his involvement in three separate projects devoted to nonviolent international peace initiatives. There is an unexplained gap of eight years, 1968 to 1976, in which there are no available records. The fonds is arranged into three series: Series I: Sanity: Peace Oriented News and Comment; Series II: Training Institute for Nonviolence, Grindstone Island; Series III: Grindstone Co-operative. The first series dates from 1965-1967 and includes correspondence, mailing lists and information sheets directly related to the activities of the newspaper, Sanity: Peace Oriented News and Comment. There are several published materials, including copies of Sanity, various international peace related publications and newspaper clippings specifically devoted to the topic of resistance to the United States draft for the Vietnam War. The second series includes reports, notes, training evaluations and correspondence produced in conjunction with the operation of the Training Institute for Nonviolence on Grindstone Island, from 1963-1968; included are photographs, news clippings and circulars. This series also contains the business correspondence of Murray Thomson, a Quaker, who was Peace Education Secretary for Canadian Friends Service Committee. The original filing system of the Training Institute for Nonviolence has been retained in this series. The third series includes the administrative records, financial statements and board meeting reports of the Grindstone Co-operative, dating from 1976 to 1983. As well, there is a proposal for a 1977-78 expansion project, complete with architectural drawings, some correspondence, and a copy of the published work, Making Waves: The Grindstone Story. The second accrual consists of published materials.